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전동킥보드 라임 뉴스 레터 - 코로나바이러스 (Covid19)

by 라임쥬서(Lime Juicer) 2020. 4. 15.

전동킥보드 라임 뉴스 레터 - 코로나바이러스 (Covid19)

전동킥보드 라임 뉴스 레터 - 코로나바이러스 (Covid19)

공유 전동킥보드 라임 (Lime) 에서 현재 전세계적으로 유행하고 있는 코로나바이러스 (Covid19)에 대한 입장문을 내놨습니다. 특히 라임의 주요 시장들이 코로나바이러스로 인한 타격으로 공유 경제 시장 또한 그에 타격을 입고 있습니다.


하지만, 현재 코로나바이러스 모범국이라고 불리는 "한국 (South Korea)" 만이 그나마 경제가 돌아가고 있는 중이라는 이야기를 언급하고 있습니다.


"건강한 사람 (Healthy People) = 건강한 도시 (Healthy Cities)" 라는 글의 제목 같이, 건강한 사람들과 도시가 되는 순간을 기대해 봅니다.



The COVID-19 virus is an unprecedented challenge facing cities and communities around the world.  Like you, we are worried about the cities we love and call home, the people we serve, and our colleagues on the ground.  Loving cities means protecting them too. For now, we're pausing Lime service to help people stay put and stay safe. 


In all of our markets, except for South Korea, we will begin winding down and pausing our service to reflect public health guidance. Lime continues to closely monitor developments around the world and remains in coordination with health and regulatory authorities in more than 25 countries.


As a reminder, we’d also like to ask the Lime community to do their part in helping to stop the spread of COVID-19. It’s up to each of us to take the necessary steps, as advised by your local public health officials.


Steps we’re taking to keep our communities safe in our open markets

    • •  We have enhanced our cleaning methods and increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting our scooters. We are cleaning all parts of the scooter that are touched by people and we are only using products recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the Center for Biocide Chemistries list that have been approved by the EPA for use against the coronavirus. 

    • •  In our offices and warehouses, we are distributing hand sanitizer. All of our mechanics and operators in the field are required to wear gloves and wash their hands regularly.

    • •  We’re following the CDC, the World Health Organization (WHO), federal agencies, and other global health organizations to collect the most up-to-the-minute information to ensure the actions we're taking are comprehensive and expedient. Based on this information, we will decide to continue, pause, or suspend operations in certain markets.

Steps you can take to protect yourself

  • • Just as you should wipe down public and shared surfaces with disinfectant, we encourage you to do the same before riding a scooter or bike.

  • • You could also consider wearing gloves as a precaution as well as washing your hands before and after riding.


In the coming weeks we will share additional updates with the Lime community as it becomes available.  As soon as we know when we expect specific markets to go back online, we will be in touch.


To learn more about COVID-19 and other precautions you can take, please refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.


In the meantime, let's take care of each other. Because as challenging as this is, we'll get through it together. At Lime, we've always believed the people make the city. That's doubly true now, when we need to step up and help each other. 


Stay safe,

Brad Bao

CEO & Founder 


출처 :



Healthy People = Healthy Cities

The COVID-19 virus is an unprecedented challenge facing cities and communities around the world.



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