LimeBike was launched in Oct, 4, 2019 with 500 e-scooter at Seoul, South Korea.
Lime Juicer Community in Korea was launched in Oct, 7, 2019
Purpose of Lime community is sharing the right information and helping each other for better activities.

Right now, the community uses KakaoTalk (Messaging App) to communicate each other.
Lime Juicers are sharing the information about Lime instantly.
Join the Community (KaoKaoTalk)
라임 쥬서(Lime Juicer) 공유 전동킥보드
#라임 #라임코리아 #lime #limejuicer #limekorea #juicer #송파구 #강남구 #서초구 #알바 #아르바이트
the community is using the other communication app (Slack).
KakaoTalk is enough to use it for communicating, but it is not enough for sharing information and coworking each other.
As lots of startup companies use Slack for their efficient work.
Lime Juicers also use it for their information
Create Account | Slack
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