윅스 (Wix) 코딩 강의 고급 (Advanced) - 장바구니 위시리스트 만들기 (Wishlist) - 윅스 쇼핑몰, 스토어 (Wix Stores)
강의 내용 요약
다음의 예제는 Wix 윅스 무료 홈페이지 만들기의 자바스크립트 (Javascript) 코딩 기능을 활용할 수 있는 Corvid by Wix (윅스 코딩 - 콜비드) 를 활용하여 만듭니다.
웹사이트 만들어진 쇼핑몰에서 자신이 사고자 하는 물건을 담을 수 있는 기능을 만듭니다. 장바구니와 같은 기능입니다.
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강의 내용 만드는법
만들고자 하는 윅스 사이트에 다음과 같은 구성 요소들이 필요합니다.
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코드 (Code)
My Wishlist
// For full API documentation, including code examples, visit http://wix.to/94BuAAs
// Import the wix-data module for working with queries.
import wixData from 'wix-data';
// Import the wix-users module for working with users.
import wixUsers from 'wix-users';
// Import the wix-location module for navigating to pages.
import wixLocation from 'wix-location';
//-------------Page Setup-------------//
$w.onReady(async function () {
// Get the current user.
let user = wixUsers.currentUser;
// If the current user is logged in:
// Load the user's wishlist using the loadWishlist() function.
return loadWishlist();
// If the current user is not logged in:
// Collapse the wishlist.
// Expand the empty whishlist.
// Load and display the current user's wishlist.
async function loadWishlist(){
// Get the current user.
let user = wixUsers.currentUser;
// Query the "products-wishlist" collection for all wishlist items belonging to the current user.
let wishlistResult = await wixData.query("products-wishlist")
.eq("userId", user.id)
// If any wishlist items were found:
if (wishlistResult.length > 0) {
// Expand the wishlist.
// Collapse the empty wishlist.
// Set the wishlist repeater's data.
$w("#wishlist").data = wishlistResult.items;
// Set the action that occurs when the wishlist repeater items are loaded to the myItemReady() function.
// If no wishlist items were found:
else {
// Collapse the wishlist.
// Expand the empty wishlist.
// Set up the wishlist repeater items when the repeater's data is loaded.
function myItemReady($w, wishlistItem){
// Get the wishlist product.
let product = wishlistItem.product;
// Set the repeater's elements using the item data.
$w('#productImage').src = product.mainMedia;
$w('#name').text = product.name;
$w('#price').text = product.formattedPrice;
// Set the action that occurs when the product image is clicked.
$w('#productImage').onClick(() => {
// Navigate to the wishlist item's product page.
// Set the action that occurs when the remove item image is clicked to the removeItem() function.
// Remove an item from the user's wishlist.
function removeItem(id) {
return async function() {
// Remove the item with the specified ID from the "products-wishlist" collection.
await wixData.remove('products-wishlist', id);
// Reload the wishlist to reflect the removed item.
Product Page
// Import the wix-data module for working with queries.
import wixData from 'wix-data';
// Import the wix-users module for working with users.
import wixUsers from 'wix-users';
//-------------Global Variables-------------//
// Current product.
let product;
// Current user.
let user = wixUsers.currentUser;
//-------------Page Setup-------------//
$w.onReady(async function () {
// Get the currently displayed product.
product = await $w('#productPage1').getProduct();
// Check if the current product is in the wishlist and act accordingly.
// Set the action that occurs when the login message is clicked to be the loginMessageClick() function.
// Check if the current product is in the wishlist and act accordingly.
async function checkWishlist() {
// If the current user is logged in:
if (wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) {
// Query the "products-wishlist" collection to find if the product was already added to the user's wishlist.
let wishListResult = await wixData.query("products-wishlist")
.eq("product", product._id)
.eq("userId", user.id)
// If the product was already added to the user's wishlist:
if(wishListResult.items.length > 0)
// Show the "inWishList" image with a fade effect.
$w('#inWishList').show('fade', {duration: 100});
// If the product was not yet added to the user's wishlist:
// Show the "notInWishList" image with a fade effect.
$w('#notInWishList').show('fade', {duration: 100});
// If the current user is not logged in:
else {
// Show the "notInWishList" image with a fade effect.
$w('#notInWishList').show('fade', {duration: 100});
//-------------Event Handlers-------------//
// Set the action that occurs when the "inWishList" image is clicked.
export function inWishList_click(event, $w) {
// If the current user is logged in:
if (user.loggedIn)
// Remove the current product from the wishlist.
// Set the action that occurs when the "notInWishList" image is clicked.
export function notInWishList_click(event, $w) {
// If the current user is logged in:
if (user.loggedIn)
// Add the current product to the wishlist.
// If the current user is not logged in:
// Show the login message.
// Set the action that occurs when the login message is clicked.
async function loginMessageClick() {
// Set the login options.
let options = {"mode": "login"};
// Hide the login message.
// Prompt the user to login using the options created above.
await wixUsers.promptLogin(options);
//-------------Wishlist Functionality-------------//
// Add the current product to the current user's wishlist and update the page accordingly.
async function addToWishlist() {
// Create the wishlist item relating the current product to the current user.
let wishListItem = {
product: product._id,
userId: user.id
// Hide the "notInWishList" image with a fade effect.
$w('#notInWishList').hide('fade', {duration: 100});
// Show the "inWishList" image with a fade effect.
$w('#inWishList').show('fade', {duration: 100});
// Insert the item created above into the "products-wishlist" collection.
let result = await wixData.insert("products-wishlist", wishListItem);
// Remove the current product to the current user's wishlist and update the page accordingly.
async function removeFromWishlist() {
// Query the "products-wishlist" collection to find the wishlist item corresponding to the current product and current user.
let wishListResult = await wixData.query("products-wishlist")
.eq("product", product._id)
.eq("userId", user.id)
// If a wishlist item was found:
if (wishListResult.length > 0) {
// Show the "notInWishList" image with a fade effect.
$w('#notInWishList').show('fade', {duration: 100});
// Hide the "inWishList" image with a fade effect.
$w('#inWishList').hide('fade', {duration: 100});
// Remove the wishlist item from the "products-wishlist" collection.
await wixData.remove("products-wishlist", wishListResult.items[0]._id)
Corvid by Wix (윅스 코딩 - 콜비드) 개발자 모드/도구 활성화하는 방법
윅스 (Wix) 코딩 - 개발자 도구를 활성화하기 (Wix Code: How to Enable Developer Tools)
윅스 (Wix) 코딩 - 개발자 도구를 활성화하기 (Wix Code: How to Enable Developer Tools)
윅스 (Wix) 코딩 - 개발자 도구를 활성화하기 (Wix Code: How to Enable Developer Tools) 설명) 개발자 도구를 활성화하기 위해서는 1. 에디터를 엽니다. 에디터 맨 위 상단 메뉴에서 코드를 클릭한 다음 개발�
연관된 토픽)
윅스 (Wix) 코딩 강의 고급 (Advanced) - 인기 상품 만들기 (Highest-Rated Products) - 윅스 쇼핑몰, 스토어 (Wix Stores)
윅스 (Wix) 코딩 강의 고급 (Advanced) - 인기 상품 만들기 (Highest-Rated Products) - 윅스 쇼핑몰, 스토어 (W
윅스 (Wix) 코딩 강의 고급 (Advanced) - 인기 상품 만들기 (Highest-Rated Products) - 윅스 쇼핑몰, 스토어 (Wix Stores) 강의 내용 요약 다음의 예제는 Wix 윅스 무료 홈페이지 만들기의 자바스크립트 (Javasc..
윅스 홈페이지 만들기 101
윅스 (Wix) 홈페이지 만들기 101 - E-Book - Index
윅스 (Wix) 홈페이지 만들기 101 - E-Book - Index
윅스 (Wix) 홈페이지 만들기 101 - E-Book - Index 윅스 (Wix.com) 윅스 ADI & 템플릿 (Wix ADI & 템플릿) 윅스 웹에디터 (Wix Editor) 윅스 코딩 (Wix Code - Corvid) 윅스 해커톤 (Wix Hackathon)
출처 :
콜비드 - 윅스 코딩 (Corvid - Wix coding)
Wishlist | Corvid by Wix Examples | Wix.com
In this example, a site member can add products in a Wix Store to a wishlist. A My Wishlist page displays the member’s wishlist.